I had a disciplinary hearing today and was found guilty of unauthorised absence as well as submitting a fraudulent dr's note. I however suffer from a drug problem which has been getting worse resulting in my regular absence from work and subsequent hearing. I'm afraid of approaching my employer and disclosing this, I however do not want to lose my job and would like to seek help for my problem.
I am more than willing to take the necessary steps to tackle my problem and I wanted to know if disclosing my drug problem to my employer will have an affect on the result of the hearing at all or are they still allowed to dismiss me?
Any urgent guidance or advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
Disciplinary hearings are always slanted in favor of the employer.
If you did not disclose your drug problem when they conducted the interview you will most certainly effect the outcome of the findings.
If you have been dismissed you have 30 days to refer the matter to CCMA. If you feel they unfairly dismissed you or that your dismissal was procedurally unfair it would be wise to lodge a complaint with the CCMA/ Bargaining council for the sector that you work for.