I need some advice and guidance pertaining to using a standard Last Will & Testament template, that's to be printed, filled in and signed.
I'm the eldest son of 3 siblings, full time caregiver of both chronic elderly parents.
This pertains to my father who neglected to sort this out while he was still able to walk. He is now mainly bedridden and wheelchair bound with numerous chronic ailments, diabetes and recently glaucoma, he can still see in the one eye thou.
He and my mother is married in community of property, but also under Islamic Law. So apparently I understand another compliance certificate should accompany his will to distribute any assets by Islam's Law of Succession, from a Islamic Council such as MJC (Muslim Judicial Council), etc..
- I need to know, should I make use of this method, what are the correct legal steps to make the will valid and shariah compliant? - Should the completed signed and filled in Last Will be taken to SAPS for Commissioner of Oaths to stamp and sign for it to be valid?
- Should the Last will only need to be taken to the Master of the High Court upon the testator's demise?
Direction in this regard would be much appreciated. Thanks in Advanced.