At arbitration my brother requested that he be allowed to compare his bundle with that of the respondent so as to prove that that of the respondent had been falsified, the comissioner refused and insisted that my brother makes his opening statement. The comissioner the ruled that the case was dissmised, please advise on the way forward and the prospect of the ruling being reviewed. Please also provide me with a list of attoney who can help us take this case to court.
There exists stringent time frames in which you can lodge a review in the Labour Court.
If you are late you will have to apply for condonation, if your matter is lodged within at least 15 working days with the Labour Court then you should not be out of time.
I cannot advise as to the merits of your matter as I have no information before me.
Please log onto our website and we have a list of attorneys that are in local areas that you can call.